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Linden - 60g

Linden - 60g
Linden - 60g

It is used for acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis and other temperature conditions.

Linden has a mild diuretic effect and is suitable for diseases of the urinary tract.

Linden decoction and infusion are applied internally as gargle for diseases of the throat and oral cavities, the decoction is also suitable for external use for:

  • Burns;
  • Skin rashes;
  • Joint pain;
  • Inflamed hemorrhoids.


A cold infusion of linden blossom is used as a soothing lotion for reddened and sensitive skin.

6.50 $

How to use

  1. Steam 1 tablespoon of Linden flowers in 250 ml boiling water for 20 minutes at room temperature;
  2. Strain through gauze;
  3. Drink one sip 3 times a day before meals.